TAURI is a winter barley, very hardiness and early as to flowering as to rippening. Suitable for any kind of land. TAURI has tolerance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV).
TAURI has a 2 rows ear very long and with their beards of a very nice red. It stands over the rest.
TAURI has a healthy profile good and equilibrate against the main barley diseases.
TAURI, due to it's hardiness and precocity is the right variety in dry and very dry lands.
Cultivation area
2 rows
Sowing period
oct | nov | dec | jan | feb | |||||||||||||||
Sowing Density
160 to 220 kg/ha
Agronomic characteristics Tauri
Winter | |
Very early | |
Medium / High | |
Feed |
Disease Resistance