Winter barley


The hardiness of a 6 rows barley!


PIXEL is a 6 row winter barley, early to earing medium-sized and with a good resistance versus lodging and diseases.

PIXEL, due to it's productivity and quality grain, has been selected as one of the preferred varieties by the French Malting and Beer Committee (CBMO).

PIXEL has been the most productive winter barley in cold areas in the official Spanish trials GENVCE 2021.

ico info

PIXEL, new genetics in 6 rows barleys.

Suitable to high potential land.

Cultivation area

Cultivation area



6 rows

Sowing period

oct nov dec jan feb

Sowing Density

170 to 220 kg/ha

Agronomic characteristics Pixel

ico Cycle Cycle Winter
ico Precocity Precocity Early
ico Height Height Medium
ico Quality Quality Feed

Disease Resistance