Spring soft wheat


Veni, vidi, vici


MERCURIUS is synonymous of high yields in spring wheat.

MERCURIUS was registered in 2019 with a production of 110% over control varieties, beating to them in each one of the several trials done in the agronomic validation phase.

ico info

MERCURIUS, the most productive spring wheat variety in GENVCE 2020 and GENVCE 2021.


(*): GENVCE is the Spanish association that manage the official trials for new
cereal varieties

Cultivation area

Cultivation area




Sowing period

oct nov dec jan feb

190 to 280 kg/ha

Sowing Density

Agronomic characteristics Mercurius

ico Cycle Cycle Spring
ico Precocity Precocity Very early
ico Chlortoluron Chlortoluron Sensible
ico Height Height Medium
ico Quality Quality Bread Wheat

Disease Resistance