Alternative soft wheat

Artur Nick

The reference in spring wheat in Spain

Artur Nick

ARTUR NICK is awned spring wheat, with high and regular yields, suitable for semi-dry areas or late sowings in the wet ones.

ARTUR NICK is highly regarded by the flour mill factories due to their extensibility, that stand out in spite of the different growing conditions.

ico info

Reference variety in spring soft wheat.

ARTUR NICK, the most sowed wheat variety in Spain.

Cultivation area

Cultivation area




Planting time

oct nov dec jan feb

Sowing Density

200 to 240 kg/ha

Agronomic characteristics Artur Nick

ico Cycle Cycle Spring
ico Precocity Precocity Very early
ico Chlortoluron Chlortoluron Sensible
ico Ripening Ripening Medium / High
ico Quality Quality Very Extensible

Disease Resistance