Yellow oat


Hardiness and forage


PREVISION is a very early yellow oat. Is the reference oat for its adaptation to the poor land and semi-dry areas.

PREVISION, due to their stems that are thinner than other oats, produce a forage of very high quality, very valued by farmers.

ico info

PREVISION, a good choice due to:

  • Their hardiness
  • Their earliness
  • Their forage quality

Cultivation area

Cultivation area

Grain Color

Grain Color


Sowing period

oct nov dec jan feb

Sowing Density

100 to 160 kg/ha

Agronomic characteristics Prevision

ico Cycle Cycle Spring
ico Precocity Precocity Very early
ico Height Height Medium / High
ico Lodging resisteance Lodging resisteance Medium
ico Aptitude Aptitude Grain - Forage

Disease Resistance