Forage Grasses

Festuca Kora

Productive and endophytes free!

Festuca Kora

KORA is a Festuca arundinacia that stands out for its high productivity and forage digestibility. Its late maturation allows having a longer harvest period with high-quality standards.

KORA is adapted to cutting or grazing. It withstands well the frequent cuts.

KORA has good resistance to winter cold, and also to dry periods.

ico info

KORA is an endophyte free fescue;
It is, therefore, free of mycotoxins that can damage animals that feed with its forage.

Cultivation area

Cultivation area

Sowing period

jan feb mar apr may
aug sep oct nov dec

Sowing Density

30-35 kg/ha

Agronomic characteristics Festuca Kora

ico Regrowth speed Regrowth speed High
ico Persistency Persistency High / Very High